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NOAA pollution assessment and restoration in your state cover photo showcasing a garibaldi fish among a kelp forest.
NOAA pollution assessment and restoration in your state cover photo.

Holding Polluters Accountable: Learn About NOAA's Pollution Assessment and Restoration in Your State

June 21, 2024

The NOAA Pollution Assessment and Restoration in Your State ArcGIS Story Map, an easy-to-use tool that breaks down the progress of pollution settlements in each state and territory, has been recently updated. This Story Map showcases NOAA’s Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP), which is an interdisciplinary program that holds polluters accountable for oil spills, hazardous waste (Superfund) sites, and ship groundings through pollution settlements. Since its inception in 2021, an additional $200M has been recovered from pollution settlements for restoration, bringing the total $10.7 billion to date. 

This user-friendly tool enables users to see pollution incidents in their state, how those incidents are being assessed for damages, the funds that have been recovered from responsible parties to date, and the restoration that is being implemented with those funds. Additionally, the case map allows you to pinpoint specific pollution event locations where NOAA’s DARRP is actively involved, with further details available on dedicated case pages.

This story map was designed to inform the public about DARRP's efforts in your state. NOAA works with federal, state and tribal co-trustees, acting on behalf of the public to conserve and restore coastal and marine natural resources that were injured as a result of oil spills, hazardous releases and ship groundings. We invite you to explore the work DARRP does throughout the United States.

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