Legal Authorities
The United States of America has enacted a suite of laws and statutes to provide a legal framework within which the NOAA Damage Assessment, Remediation and Restoration Program (DARRP) carries out actions to restore and protect our natural environment. In fulfilling our responsibilities as a natural resource trustee, NOAA’s DARRP must also adhere to governing regulations and directives provided by Executive Orders as well as financial, administrative and programmatic direction under NOAA departmental policy.
As the primary federal natural resource trustee for ocean and coastal resources, NOAA has responsibility for ensuring the restoration of coastal resources and the services provided by those resources that are diminished or lost as a result of injury by oil and hazardous substance releases. NOAA also serves as the trustee for national marine sanctuary natural resource injuries. The following laws (and accompanying regulations) provide the primary legal authorities for NOAA to act on behalf of the public to protect and restore injured natural resources.
Title | Link |
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended | Link to CERCLA and Associated Texts |
Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Clean Water Act of 1948 (CWA), as amended | Text of Clean Water Act |
National Marine Sanctuaries Amendments Act, as amended | Text of National Marine Sanctuaries Amendments Act |
Oil Pollution Act (OPA) | Link to OPA and Associated Texts |
Title | Link |
Executive Order 11472: Cabinet Committee on the Environment & Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality | Text of Executive Order 11472 |
Executive Order 11514: Environmental Quality | Text of Executive Order 11514 |
Executive Order 11735: Assignment of functions under section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended | Text of Executive Order 11735 |
Executive Order 11988: Construction in Floodplains | Text of Executive Order 11988 |
Executive Order 11990: Wetlands Protection | Text of Executive Order 11990 |
Executive Order 12088: Pollution Control Standards | Text of Executive Order 12088 |
Executive Order 12114: Environmental effects abroad of major Federal actions | Text of Executive Order 12114 |
Executive Order 12123: Offshore Oil Spill Pollution | Text of Executive Order 12123 |
Executive Order 12580: Superfund Implementation | Text of Executive Order 12580 |
Executive Order 12777: The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF), as amended | Text of Executive Order 12777 |
Executive Order 12898: Environmental Justice | Text of Executive Order 12898 |
Executive Order 13007: Indian Sacred Sites | Text of Executive Order 13007 |
Executive Order 13016: Superfund Impementation (amendment to EO 12580) | Text of Executive Order 13016 |
Executive Order 13089: Coral Reef Protection | Text of Executive Order 13089 |
Executive Order 13158: Marine Protected Areas | Text of Executive Order 13158 |
Executive Order 13175: Indian Tribal Governments Coordination | Text of Executive Order 13175: |
Executive Order 13186: Migratory Birds | Text of Executive Order 13186 |
Executive Order 13340: Great Lakes Task Force | Text of Executive Order 13340 |
Executive Order 13352: Cooperative Conservation | Text of Executive Order 13352 |
Executive Order 13554: Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force | Text of Executive Order 13554 |
Executive Order 13626: Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration | Text of Executive Order 13626 |
Executive Order 13751: Invasive Species (amends EO 13112) | Text of Executive Order 13751 |
Executive Order 13807: Update to the regulations for implementing the Procedural | Text of Executive Order 13807 |
Executive Order 13840: Ocean Policy to Advance the Economic, Security and Environmental Interest of the United States | Text of Executive Order 13840 |
Executive Order 13990: Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | Text of Executive Order 13990 |
Executive Order 14008: Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad | Text of Executive Order 14008 |
Title | Link |
Federal Advisory Committee Final Report | Text of Federal Advisory Committee Final Report |
Guidance Documents for Natural Resource Damage Assessment under the Oil Pollution Act | Text of Compensation Formulas Text of Restoration Planning Text of Preassessment Text of Injury Assessment Text of Primary Restoration |
NOAA Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) Guidance for Recognition and Use of Restoration Banks in Natural Resource Damage Assessments | Text of NOAA Guidance for Recognition and Use of Restoration Banks in Natural Resource Damage Assessments (PDF, 132 pages) |
Title | Link |
Anadromous Fish Conservation Act | Text of the Anadromous Fish Conservation Act |
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), as amended | Text of Coastal Zone Management Act |
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), as amended | Text of Coastal Zone Management Act |
Deepwater Port Act | Text of Deepwater Port Act |
Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act | Text of Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act |
Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act | Text of Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act |
Endangered Species Act (ESA), as amended | Text of Endangered Species Act (ESA), as amended |
Estuaries and Clean Waters | Text of Estuaries and Clean Waters Act |
Estuary Restoration Act | Text of Estuary Restoration Act |
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (Nongame Act) | Text of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (Nongame Act) |
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended | Text of Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended |
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Protection Act | Text of Florida Keys NMSA |
Inter American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles | Text of Inter American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles |
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act | Text of MSA |
Marine Mammal Protection Act, as amended | Text of Marine Mammal Protection Act |
National Environmental Policy Act | Text of National Environmental Policy Act |
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Regulations | Text of NEPA Regulations |
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) | Text of National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan |
National Park Service Organic Act | Text of National Park Service Organic Act |
North American Wetlands Conservation Act | Text of North American Wetlands Conservation Act |
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act | Text of Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act |
Public Law 108-293 - Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act | Text of Public LAW-108-293 |
Public Law No: 101-337 Management of natural resources in the National Park System | Text of Public Law No 101-337 |
Public Law No: 102-567 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act | Text of Public Law No 102-567 |
Public Law No: 94-265 Fishery Conservation and Management | Text of Public Law No: 94-265 |
Reorganization Plan No. 4 | Text of Reorganization Plan |
Rivers and Harbors Act, as amended | Text of Rivers and Harbors Act |
The Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act (RESTORE Act) | Text of Restore Act |
Title | Link |
Department of Commerce Organizational Order 10-15 | Text of Department of Commerce Organizational Order 10-15 |
Department of Commerce Organizational Order 25-5 | Text of Department of Commerce Organizational Order 25-5 |
National Ocean Service Circular 83-38 Delegation as Trustee under Reorganization Plan No. 4 | Text of National Ocean Service Circular 83-38 |
NOAA Administrative Order 216-117 NOAA National Habitat Policy | Text of NOAA Administrative Order 216-117 NOAA National Habitat Policy |
NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A Companion Manual | Text of NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A Companion Manual |
NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A Compliance with NEPA and EOs 12114, 11988, 13690, 11990 | Text of NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A |
NOAA Administrative Order Adopting the NOAA-DARRP Framework | Text of NOAA Administrative Order Adopting the NOAA-DARRP Framework |
NOAA DARRP Framework Document | Text of DARRP Framework Signed 4-22-15 |
NOAA Delegation of DARRP Approvals in Accordance with the DARRP Framework | Text of NOAA Delegation of DARRP Approvals |
Under Secretary of Oceans and Atmosphere Re-delegation of Authority | Text of Under Secretary of Oceans and Atmosphere Re-delegation of Authority |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Delegation of CERCLA to NOAA and the Department of Commerce | Text of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Delegation of CERCLA to NOAA and the Department of Commerce |